Madalyn Heard

Profile Information
Remind Codes
Manus Homeroom | @manus4-1 |
Literacy Martin | @litmartin4 |
Literacy Manus | @manuslit4 |
Literacy Andrews | @litandrew4 |
Please check with your child to see what they have for you in their orange communicator folder. They need to bring it to school each day.
PLC on Mondays –Monday mornings we do PLC which stands for professional learning communities. This gives teachers time to sit down and look at data and test scores to see how to help your child. Students will need to be here NO later than 8:45 on those days before being counted tardy. Students arriving before then will have activities going on in the classroom. However, we encourage all students who plan to eat be here at normal time (by 8:00) for breakfast.
Dear Parents,
Please feel free to e-mail me anytime with questions or concerns. We will all be learning together this year.
Mrs. Manus
*Please check orange communication folders for notes and your child's work each night and return the folder daily.
*Please make sure to sign up for our school Remind app.
*Newsletters will come home in folder every Monday! Please check it for any upcoming dates, important reminders, and what your child will be learning each week.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. When and how can I reach my child's teacher?
A. Email and Remind are the best ways to contact the teacher. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We are encouraging students, parents, staff to take the evenings and weekends off. With no physical boundary between school/work and home, we need to provide time to reflect and refresh.
Q. How much communication can I expect from school?
A. School wide information will be available on the school webpage and through our Remind notification. Teacher information will be available through weekly newsletters, classroom Remind notifications, and teacher webpages.
Q. My Family has technology limitations(computer and internet access) and can't participate fully. How can Walnut Ridge Elementary School help?
A. Walnut Ridge Elementary School has digital devices available to famliess who have needed additional hardware and our community will have a designated hot spots for internet access. If anyone needs assistance please communicate this to your teacher who will get you in touch with someone who can help with these resources.
Safety Alert!
We are trying to ensure your child’s safety, so please make note of the following. When your child is tardy or comes late, please take them to the front door (office). All doors will be locked by 8:00.
Transportation change?
If you have a transportation change for your child, please send a note, an email by 2 pm, or contact the office. Otherwise, your child will be sent home as usual per the handbook.
Sending Money?
When sending money, please have it in an envelope labeled with your child’s first & last name, what it is for, and their teacher’s name.