Vanessa Hufstedler- BUSINESS

What is FBLA?
Future Business Leaders of America is a national vocational student organization for students in high school and middle who are interested in business or business related careers.
- Over 13,000 students in more than 300 high school chapters and over 4,000 students in 95 middle level chapters participate in Arkansas FBLA.
- Benefits of members are leadership skills, business competencies, community, responsibilities, and self-confidence.
Advantages of FBLA!
FBLA provides the business leaders of tomorrow with the necessary skills to successfully compete in the job market, pursue postsecondary education, or manage personal skills.
- Members learn how to lead and participate in groups discussions by engaging in practical problem-solving and decision-making activities.
- FBLA members learn the value of competition through directed competitive events. We have a blast preparing for our future!