Mary Beth Dickson

Administrator Elementary

Profile Information

Mary Beth Dickson
(870) 819-0475

Meet the Teacher! 

Hello! My name is Mary Beth Dickson. I am so happy to be your teacher this year!  I know we will have the best year in second grade together. I want you to always know that I believe in you, I will never give up on you, and I know that you can do great things! 

This is my fourth year to teach second grade. I received a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education K-6 from Williams Baptist University in 2020. While there I was awarded the Elementary Education award. I absolutely love teaching! When I am not teaching, you can find me spending time with my family.

This year is going to be full of fun, learning, and growing. You’ll meet new friends, learn lots of new skills, and make wonderful new memories. I can’t wait!

Contact Info.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me during school hours 7:30a.m.-3:30p.m.


*Please check orange communication folders for notes and your child's work each night and return the folder daily.

*Please make sure to send a note for any transportation changes or call the office @ (870)886-3482. 

*Sign up for our school Remind app. We will send information through this app for anything school related. To sign up for Walnut Ridge Elementary notifications, go to the following link:

*Newsletters will be sent home in the orange folder weekly! Please check it for any upcoming dates, important reminders, and what your child will be learning each week. 


7:40-8:00 Morning Jobs/ Breakfast Activity Time 12:35-1:15
8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting         Monday- Music  
8:15-9:15 CKLA Skills           Tuesday- Art 
9:15-9:20 Bathroom Break/ Brain Break   Wednesday- Library
9:20-10:05 Math   Thursday- Computer Lab
10:05-10:30 Small Group TimeFriday- P.E.
10:35-11:05 Lunch
11:05-11:25 Recess        
11:30-11:50 Handwriting
11:50-12:30 Bobcat Block Interventions
12:35-1:15 Activity
1:15-1:35 Recess
1:40-2:40 CKLA Knowledge
2:40-3:10 Pack Up/ Dismissal

Parents are invited to:

*Guide your child to set up a prepared learning environment at home.

*Establish a consistent routine.

*Follow along with teacher's suggested activities to maintian skills and concepts.

*Provide opportunities for your child to share/present work to you. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. When and how can I reach my child's teacher? 

A. Email and Remind are the best ways to contact the teacher. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We are encouraging students, parents, staff to take the evenings and weekends off. With no physical boundary between school/work and home, we need to provide time to reflect and refresh. 

Q. How much communication can I expect from school? 

A. School wide information will be available on the school webpage and through our Remind notification. Teacher information will be available through weekly newsletters, classroom Remind notifications, and teacher webpages. 

Q. My Family has technology limitations (computer and internet access) and can't participate fully. How can Walnut Ridge Elementary School help?

A. Walnut Ridge Elementary School has digital devices available to families who have needed additional hardware and our community will have a designated hot spots for internet access. If anyone needs assistance please communicate this to your teacher who will get you in touch with someone who can help with these resources.