Felissa Craig

Administrator Middle School

Profile Information

Felissa Craig
(870) 819-0412
Middle School

Remind Code  @wrmscience     @wrmssocstu 

Science:  Properties of Matter:   Students understand what matter is, and what types of properties can be used to define different types of matter. They first explore properties of different types of matter through a hands-on investigation and then watch Dr. Jeff show off some exciting demonstrations of properties of matter.
Vocabulary: matter properties helium density sulfur hexafloride solubility conductivity
Social Studies:
Topic 1, Lesson 5:  Culture & Society     Topic 1 Lesson 6:  Economic Basics     Arkansas 
Vocabulary:   culture society social structure social class cultural diffusion standard of living economics opportunity cost demand supply producer consumer

Mrs. Felissa's Wish List: glue sticks GermX non-latex gloves pencils kleenex